Alkohlic Script - great script for DalNet users. Backdoor Killer v1.1 - Kills any backdoors in the IRC sqripts. BattlePong v1.0 - a sqript that Kills a IRC connection. Beer - mass port bomber BitchX 97 - great IRC script Boom - port bomber Bug Exploit 1.5 - attacks mIRC 5.3x Chaos Team - home of the Chaoscript - IRC script Click 2 - uses the ICMP_Unreach bug to disconnect clients from IRC D3vIL ReaLM - mIRC addons, and mIRC Scripts all Made By BlaCk^D3vIL DCC Fuker 1.2 - DCC Flooders for mIRC DCC Locker '97 - can lock dcc chats in mirc DCC of Death - kills mIRC 5.4 DCC Unfer - locks DCC Chats in mIRC Dssock32.ocx - library required to run XIRC Excess Flood 2.9 - loads clones to flood users fbounce.c - fred's irc bounce/proxy server Floodbot Front End v0.2 - companion shell for Floodbots Flooder 2.0 Floodbots Flooder 2.0 - clone flooder Freeze IRC Script - IRC warscript Icmp bomber - a nuker iRC kiLLer pRO! - Combines Flash, Floods v2.4, Multi-CollideBot 95, and SUMO/95 v 1.1 Lag Killer (210 kb) IRC War Script - IRC warscript Jailbreak Script - Useful attack/defense script. Johoho's Eggdrop Page - information about eggdrop, security relevant stuff (concepts, etc.), precompiled binaries, modules, types of attacks, bouncers, links... KiL - a colliding Script for IRC KloneX - a simple cloner Master Warrior 3.1 Script - One of the newest war/protection scripts. Has some nice features to it. mbot.tgz - mbot v3.4 - IRC bot by mirage Medallon AuRyN - spanish script for mIRC in IrcX MIRC 2000 - MIRC scripts and addons mIRC Freeze - Freezes mIRC Mob IRC Script - a Chat Script, IRC progs,eggdrop archive, chat client archive, and more ... Protector 1 - A very advanced protection script that offers very easy to use pop-up menus. Rat Script - cool war script Rip Script - A script that scans IRC users for the BO server on their sytem. Serpent Mass Collision Script Version 3.07 - by Vassago and Dr. Delete Spewfy - great IRC identity spoofer ssping tcl - TCL that employ ssping exploit to use it in eggdrop TextBox v6.03 - all around script for Mirc The Man 1.7 - great war script UnderIRC - Homepage of UnderIRC, a mIRC script. Contatins: war, protections, fun, etc. Now contains also english version of the page. War Room - good cloner X-Flood - great layout and interface XIRC - a simple irc client it said to be unfloodable.. try ;-)